Thursday, January 19, 2012

My favorite things today…


Hubby bought me a primrose, and it’s sitting on my desk, making me smile. 

I found this iPhone cover on Amazon yesterday. 419z2qME9gL._SL500_AA300_

My iPod cover is the same mint green color, and I love it, it reminds me of an Easter egg.  So it’s on my wish list, hey a girl’s gotta have a dream, especially in January.

I do believe I have a touch of spring fever, but I need to curb my enthusiasm for another six weeks.  So here I sit, listening to a Splendid Table Podcast, looking at the birds on the feeder, just wasting away an afternoon.  But that’s okay, what else is there to do in January.  I’m counting my blessings, at least I’m not staring out the window at snow!

Update:  I just looked at my iPod cover, it’s not mint green, it’s robins egg blue.  Oh dear,  I think I’m having a senior moment…


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