Monday, January 16, 2012

Jan visits the Insurance Agent

We just got our condo insurance bill, they raised it $100 this year, with no claims, so hubby and I decided we needed to visit our insurance agent and have a talk with him.

Well, the guy that we always did business with has retired and turned our account over to a twelve year old girl with a squeaky Minnie Mouse voice.  Now, in all honesty, I have to admit that I was defensive before I even walked in the front door, but when we laid everything in front of her and started asking questions she wasn’t exactly forthcoming with her information.  She actually sounded like a politician, never answering a direct question with a direct answer.

It only took me a few minutes before I had enough of that crap, and I told her she was really tricky, but that I was really old so that stuff didn’t work with  me.  She looked at me and said “oh, it’s not your first rodeo, huh.”  And then she proceeded to calm down and work with us.  But the damage had been done, I don’t trust her, maybe after she goes through puberty she will have more creedence, but  to be perfectly honest, I just don’t enjoy children telling me what I do and do not need with my insurance coverage.  And I won’t even get into the bad information she gave hubby, a misquote of over $200, but he caught it, and she wasn’t able to explain her mistake.

Our appointment was at 10am, she was going to get right back to us, email me with updated information, and it’s now 5pm and I haven’t heard a peep from her.  Jeesh, enough already!  We’ve had State Farm Insurance for almost forty years now, and never had a problem, but me thinks it’s time for a new agent.  A grown up person.

So, if any townies know of a good State Farm agent on the West Side of Heavensville, let me know.  And in the meantime, if I don’t hear from her, I’ll check with her tomorrow after she’s home from school and maybe she’ll have some prices for me.  I know, I know I sound really old, well I am really old!!!!!


  1. Amen, my friend. I'm angered at her condescending "ain't your first rodeo" remark. I keep telling myself that we (the boomers) are soon going to outnumber these little shits!


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