Sunday, August 7, 2011

Sunday Church Social…

Hubby and I went to a church social today.  A country catholic church just a few miles from us has one every August and the food is always so good.

The lines are long, we go early to beat the heat, and sit under the old shade trees waiting for our number to be called.

Simple, wholesome food, fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, dumplings, dressing, corn and green beans, dinner rolls and different kinds of cake for desserts.

You sit in a gymnasium at long tables, sat up with pitchers of tea and water, and big bowls of to-die-for coleslaw, fresh tomatoes and green peppers.

And yes, it was just as good as it sounds.  Diets to the wind, sometimes you just have to live in the moment and enjoy the food.  I adore the angel food cake, it’s yummy with great frosting.  We sat and conversed with the others at the table, it was so refreshing, like going back in time.  They have a huge following, the crowds were really getting large by the time we finished.

After we left, LC summed it up by saying, “this is the way life is supposed to be.”  What a good time it was…

Note:  I just found this coleslaw recipe online, it would be very similar to what we had today.  Check it out, here…


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