Sunday, August 7, 2011

It all goes back to childhood….

Maggie and I took a ride on Milly this morning.  I’m sitting by the creek, sipping my coffee, enjoying the birds, listening to the frogs, watching the tadpoles in the water, and I was completely, totally, at peace.

And I’m thinking to myself, this is what it’s all about, this is my Utopia, nature, my place of ideal perfection.  And it all goes back to childhood, to my country roots, to summer days spent by my ditch, playing with my animals under a shade tree, living in nature.  But what about people that are raised in the city? 

Are they comforted by the sound of garbage trucks, sirens, busy, bustling people?  Do they enjoy the smell of gas fumes?  I’m not being facetious here, I really wonder if that gives them peace.  But, of course, I have no way of knowing, I’m just sayin’…


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