Monday, July 25, 2011

Monday morning…

It’s cool this morning in Heavensville, I sat outside, drinking my coffee, watching the M&M’s scamper through the yard, and the horses were looking at me through the fence.

My flowers were abloom, the birds were singing, and it was so peaceful. Life is good this Monday morning.

It’s those simple things, again…


  1. I had a dark age spot the size of a large pea on my forehead, it was so embarrassing when people would say, "you've got dirt on your forehead or what's that spot on your forehead", I googled how to get rid of it, came across this blog, thank you thank you thank you, it honest to god works, right now I've got it down to a speck, and the good news is,, I don't have to cut bangs!!


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