Saturday, July 30, 2011

Grammie’s secret weapon, my iPad!!!


Abby is twenty-two months now, a sweet little girl who runs and plays and adores her “P-Pa.”  Yes, P-Pa, he’s no longer Gampa, now he’s P-Pa.  And me,  I’m still just a blip on her radar screen, she only has eyes for him.

She and Lindsay visited this week while Ryan was out of town.  We had so much fun, friends came to visit, her Auntie V got to play with her, and we went for rides on Milly, and out to lunch with Ang, it was such a good time.

After a few hours of her ignoring me, I decided I needed a “gimmick.”  I brought out my ipad, and downloaded games and flashcards, and my little techkie granddaughter decided that Grammie was okay, after all.  She loved the iPad, we played games and watched videos, and she laughed and clapped those little hands, and her fingers were busy tap tapping away on the screen.  She was good, too.  She could figure out all the toddler games.

I’m so glad that I’m smarter in my old(er) age.  Sometimes you just have to bring out the big guns and change with the times.  So much for baking cookies, forget the cookies, entice them with the electronics…


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