Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Enough already…

We complain when it’s cold, we complain when it’s hot, but holy crap, it’s a towering inferno in Heavensville.  With temps hovering near 100 and the heat index at 120, it is stifling.  Hubby and I were out this morning, my chest felt congested, my eyes were burning so badly from the ozone, all I wanted to do was come home.  And dear hubby reminded me that hot weather is really hard on old people, bless his hot little heart. Steaming mad

I take Mollie out to potty, she is oblivious to the heat, sits on the sidewalk, and I have to go out and drag her inside.  Hubby is holed up in the den watching cowboys, it’s too hot for him to even play in the garage like he does most days. The air conditioner is going full blast, all the ceiling fans are running, and I’m sitting at the computer with a fan blowing on me, thinking that our energy bill is going to be astronomical this month.

Maybe we should take in a movie, but there isn’t much to choose from, so here we sit.  Too hot to go for a ride on Milly, too hot to talk to the neighbors, let’s just hope the power grid doesn’t go down, that happened in parts of Heavensville this morning and knocked out our internet.

Remind me of this in January, when the snow is flying and I’m complaining about sub-zero temps.  But, Geezy Pete, the weather is horrid!!!


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