Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sunday dinner at Grandma's...

I have wonderful memories of Sunday dinner's at grandma's.  Regardless of what was going on in our lives or how busy we were, we always took the time to spend Sunday with grandma.  There were always cousins to play with, great food to eat, lots of family around, those were such special days, little did I realize at the time.

Sometimes I talk with friends that have their families nearby, and I wonder if they realize how lucky they are, just to have them stop in for a vist.  There is just something special about Sunday, it's a day for families, but today's families are so scattered, that a lot of us don't have that opportunity.  So we enjoy what we have, and look forward to the times we can all be together, but sometimes it tugs at the heartstrings, when the house is quiet, nobody is here, and no good smells are coming from the kitchen.

So I'll make dinner for hubby and I, and as enjoyable as it will be, it's just not the same as if they were all here.

~ jan, feeling a bit nostalgic this chilly March Sunday...


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