Friday, March 18, 2011

Do you know what’s in your bottle of Downy?

downyYou know that bottle of Downy Fabric Softener you have sitting on your shelf in your utility room?  The same Downy that, if you’re like me, you’ve used forever.  Do you know what one of the active ingredients is?  It’s animal fat!  Seriously, “dihydrogenated tallow dimenthyl ammonium chloride:  A derivitive of rendered fat from cattle sheep and horses.”

Isn’t that totally disgusting?  That’s why it makes it so soft, it’s grease doing that!  And that’s why the automatic dispenser gets all gunked up, it’s grease doing that, too!

LC told me this, and I didn’t believe him, but when I Googled it, sure enough, he was right.  So I owe him one for this little tidbit of information.  Bet I made your day, too, huh.  You’ll never look at that bottle of Downy quite the same again….


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