Thursday, September 30, 2010

Maybe I’m a little bit smarter….

When we know better, we do better ~ Maya Angelou

Remember last spring when it was time to switch out my closets?  I had such a mess, my bedroom was a disaster for days weeks, I couldn’t get it together, ended up having a meltdown in the middle of my bed, crying and asking hubby to help me because I was completely overwhelmed.  Law-dee, I don’t want a repeat of that fiasco this fall.

But once again, it’s that time, all of my winter clothes are sitting in the garage in their crates, waiting for me to be overwhelmed once again.  I should just take a deep breath and get rid of a lot of stuff.  But, oh no, on the off chance that I might somehow lose enough weight to wear those clothes that will be hopelessly dated if I ever accomplish it, which I won’t, I hang on to everything.

Knowing what was ahead of me, I asked hubby yesterday, “If I make you an apple pie, will you help me switch out my clothes?”  Well, that was the right question, and LC, always the negotiator said, “do I get that pie today?”  But I’ve learned a thing or two myself, and told him, “nope, first we switch the closet, then you get the pie.”

I just may be on to something here. Bribery, blatant bribery.  No more tears for me, nope, no siree, I’ve got help and Pillsbury Pie Crust, that pie will be easy peasy…


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