Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Five things I can’t live without

That’s the key word here, “things.”  It’s not family, or sweet bebe Abby, or girlfriends, or my precious little M&M’s.  Take those away and this is what’s left that I must have!

1.   Computers, they are my window to the world, and I dread thinking what my life would be like without them.  What did I do with my time before the internet?  And with my computer I can download ebooks, probably the greatest spinoff, for me anyway, that has come from this wonderful invention.  What a treat it is to sit in my jammies at 9pm, download a book and read it without ever leaving my living room.  Buy those books?  Never, our public library has thousands of titles just waiting for me to download when I want to read.

2.  My morning coffee with fat free half and half.  I didn’t develop a love for coffee until I was well into my 50’s, now it’s a must have, every single day.

3. Nature.  It’s the balm that soothes my soul, I love the wind on my face, the smells, the colors, the birds and the bees, I find my center and inner peace with nature.

4.  Milly.  I’ve often said that golf carts are old people’s bicycles.  I grab the fur kids, hop on Milly and I’m off on an adventure.  It’s so much fun and gives me so much freedom, I love it!

5.  My smartphone.  Cellphones have evolved so much, it’s amazing the things that you can do with them.  With it, I’m in touch, so you be in touch… ;o)  Ohhhh, how cheesy was that???

And that’s what I can’t live without?  What about you, what are your five things?


  1. 1. Like you, I could not live without my computer
    2. My digital camera--it is like an extra appendage, always there.
    3. Chocolate coffee mate. Must. Have. It!
    4. My sewing machine. I have a goal of sewing something every day. Yes, I am a nerd.
    5. Books. I have to have something to read when the day is dull and slow.


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