I have this ongoing problem with the M&M's and fleas. I think its because we live next to a horse pasture, but my friend, Trish, thinks that there must be a nest somewhere in the yard. Whatever the reason, it's a royal pain in the patootie (literally for my poor little dogs) dealing with these fleas!
I use Frontline Plus, it works for two weeks and the fleas are back. I've bombed the house repeatedly, sprinkled Borax on the carpet, and still we struggle.
I was p*ssing and moaning about this to Ang the other day, and she told me she's having great results with this flea med she uses on Chewie, her Westie. So I called her vet, found out that it's a new product called Comfortis, a beef flavored, chewable pill, no more putting that liquid on their backs and having to wait three days to bathe them, and it kills fleas within thirty minutes of administering it, and they stay off the dogs for the entire thirty days.
It sounded too good to be true, but I read a lot about this product online and people are thrilled with the way it works. Of course you do have the few dissenters who say it killed their dog, but that's to be expected. I read over and over about people who have the same problem that I have, Frontline Plus not working after a couple of weeks, but Comfortis actually works for the entire month.
So the girls are now flea free, we'll see how this works out, and I'll update you next month.
All I know is that I have two happy little fur kids, and for $30 a month for two pills, let's hope this works better than Frontline. I also tried Advantix, but Mags was allergic to it. She started scratching as soon as I put it on her at bedtime, and I had to bathe her in the middle of the night to get it off. It's been an absolute nightmare, dealing with these fleas, let's hope this stuff works!!!!!
Reinforcing My Raised Vegetable Garden Beds
6 hours ago
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