Sunday, May 16, 2010

It's that time of year, and we were in the strawberry patch at 7:30 yesterday morning.  Okay, so hubby was in the strawberry patch, Maggie and I were sitting talking to the lady that owns the field, drinking coffee.

And no, this isn't the field, I got this picture off the web, our local strawberry patch is a bit run down, kinda weedy, too, but oh the berries are wonderful this year.  Hardly any core, full of flavor, they are amazing...

Mother always had a patch when I was a little girl, she would always be so excited, watching them turn red, picking the first of the season.  I never liked them that much as a child, didn't understand what all the hoopla was about, but now that I'm old mature of a certain age, I think they are wonderful.

I hulled them, put them in mother's stainless steel bowl, just like she did all those years ago, used the chopper to chop them and release the juice, sprinkled on the Splenda, made a shortcake with Heart Healthy Bisquick.

Wait a minute, what's wrong with this picture???  Splenda, Low Fat Bisquick???  This isn't the way I was raised.  We drowned them in sugar, made that wonderful pie crust out of lard and layered the berries between and topped it with real whipped cream.

Which is, no doubt, in part of the problem now.  And the reason I make them with Splenda and Low Fat Bisquick. :o(

But they were still wonderful, warm biscuit, berries, and a dollop of.... butter pecan ice cream.  Huh, butter pecan ice cream???  Yep, it's so much better than vanilla on warm anything, and not at all healthy, but sometimes a girl's just gotta live a little.

I was talking to Hooterville earlier, she loves her on a split biscuit, no doubt slathered with butter.  Oh, why can't the good things in life be healthy.  *sigh*  They never are.

But I did have some of them this morning on top of my oatmeal.  And thought of mother and that wonderful old stainless steel bowl that I write about so often.  Good memories, on this cool, cloudy Sunday in Heavensville...
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