Friday, February 5, 2010

Pepsi Throwback vs. Diet Dr. Pepper Cherry


Lawdee, was I ever a Pepsi drinker back in the day.   In the 50’s, you either drank Pepsi, or you drank Coke, both was not an option.  Kinda like you either drove a Ford or a Chevy.

I loved Pepsi, detested Coke, thought it was too syrupy and sweet, so a few months ago when Nisha told me that they are now recreating the original Pepsi, using sugar instead of corn syrup, and calling it Pepsi Throwback, I knew it was something I just had to try.  I even told Cousin Phyllis about it, because she too, even to this day, is a diehard Pepsi fiend.

But I couldn’t find it, it wasn’t in the stores, I heard rumors of it being in convenience stores, but I kept forgetting about it.

Fast forward to last week in Lexington.  Hubby and Ryan were out and they came home with a case of it.  Well, yours truly couldn’t wait to rip open the carton and pop a can.

So out came the ice, I poured it, the fizz was like the original Pepsi, the smell was just

like I remembered, I took a drink, and then another, and it was exactly like the Pepsi of my childhood.  And I hated it, I did, I absolutely detested the taste of it.  It was so sweet that it actually  made me nauseous.  I’ve drank too many Diet Cokes and just can’t handle the real stuff anymore.   So Phyl, I have a case of this stuff in the garage, I’ll bring it to you when I visit, maybe you will like it better than I do., I do have a new drink of choice to report.  Diet Dr. Pepper Cherry.  Oh my, this stuff is full of cherry flavor, it’s absolutely delightful. Don’t confuse this with the Dr. Pepper Vanilla Cherry, that stuff is nasty, but this is awesome~

Dr. Pepper also makes a a Cherry Chocolate, but I haven’t found it yet.  So that’s my new mission, to see if I can find it!

Too bad about that Pepsi Throwback.  Just another case of not being able to go home again.  A time and a place for everything.  Kinda sad, isn’t it?


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