Like all the rest of you, I'm sick of winter. I'm longing for fields of green as the spring wheat makes it's appearance, I'm berating myself for once again not planting those damn tulip bulbs last fall, I feel isolated, confined, restless, and more snow is forecasted for tonight.
I'm a soup/stew/chili girl when we have this kind of weather. Hubby has wanted beef stew for a few weeks now, so I'm going to make it tomorrow. I was out this morning, in the rain, running a few errands, and needed a bottle of red wine to put in the stew. I ran into Aldi's, bought a bottle of cabernet sauvignon for $2.99. Yes, that's right, $2.99. Will it be good, who knows, all I know is it had a cork! Imagine that, a bottle of wine with a cork, for $2.99. No screw caps for me, nosiree, it may taste like rotgut, but it has a cork!
Reinforcing My Raised Vegetable Garden Beds
5 hours ago
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