Monday, October 12, 2009

I have to tell you about Peggy Jane…

Women are full of baby stories, everybody has a good one, and of course that’s all we’re talking about these days, but this one is a goodie.  It’s actually not funny, but if you knew Peg, my buddy with Kentucky roots and a drawl to match, you would have laughed as hard as we did.

We went to dinner Saturday night, we’re sitting in Kipplee’s eating a veggie pizza and she is telling me about the birth of her first daughter.

Peg is in her 70’s now, and she had Jane Ann when she was nineteen, and having a baby in those days in a hospital in rural Kentucky was nothing like most of us have ever experienced, thank goodness.

She was in labor for twenty-five hours, she should have had a c-section, but they didn’t do them in those days, and they wouldn’t let her husband come in her room and be with her, they wouldn’t let her Mama come in, she said the nurses were downright nasty to her, and they gave her nothing for pain.  She was all alone, scared to death and in unbearable agony.

So she said to me, “Girl, it was so bad, I couldn’t stand it, so I thought, well, I’ll just have to jump out the window!”  She was seriously going to jump, but she couldn’t get the window open.  Poor Peg, can you imagine?  As I write this, it’s not coming across as funny, but if you could hear her tell it, you would see what I mean. The woman is like a breath of fresh air, she’s just the best .  I should have videoed her, darn one of these days I will so you can all see what I mean!!!!


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