Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Why can’t I just follow the yellow brick road…

That silly road is full of twists and turns that screw me up, that’s why!  I just posted an entry here that was meant for Eating Right! 

It’s because I have all these snazzy programs, instead of blogging the old fashioned way, I do it thru Windows Live Writer, have to click on the drop down to post to the right blogger account, do I remember to do it, of course not!  Then I access The Dish and holy schmoly, I have the wrong entry.  I deleted it, but if you view this thru Google Reader it is probably still showing up.  arughhhhhhhhh

Oh, if I only had a brain….

And how’s your morning going?  Mine was just dandy until I tried to blog.  I have pinto beans in the pressure cooker, the girls are asleep in their little bed in the garage, hubby and I are doing “projects.”  How fun is that?

No wonder I blogged to the wrong account.  Confused


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