Friday, July 31, 2009

Let’s talk about potty mouth, damnit…


A lot of us are afflicted with it, yours truly here has a really bad case of it, for years now, much to hubby’s dismay, and I had an interesting conversation this morning with a woman about hers.

I had to go to the flea market to pick up two cases of reading glasses.  Yeah, you’ve got that right, two cases!  Hubby buys them by the dozen, two dozen this time, because I leave them everywhere, well so does he, but he won’t admit it.  He has bought them from Judy for so long that she sells him to him wholesale,  I think big spender coughs up $2.75 a pair for the things.  He always gets the same ones, too – tortoise readers.

So anyway, I’m at the flea market and Judy, who is a 60 something lady and another lady were discussing life, husbands and other topics, including battery operated devices that I won’t go into on this PG-rated blog, but somehow potty mouths were mentioned by Judy who said she told her familly, she doesn’t smoke, doesn’t drink, but she loves to cuss.  She cusses like a sailor.

I really identify with her, I don’t know why I have this compulsion to spurt bad language, but I do.  I like to think it’s because I’m a colorful character, and colorful people go hand in hand with colorful language.  It’s a trait that I really need to curtail when that petite bebe comes, or I’m gonna be in  major trouble with Ryan and Lindsay, and rightly so, they don’t want that precious little girl picking up my bad language and end up sounding like this adorable little girl in the video.

But the way I see it, it will be awhile before she is born and starts talking, so I’m just gonna let her rip for another ‘effin year, and then stop, cold turkey.  Surprise  Umhmmm, I am, well I am!!!


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