Wednesday, May 13, 2009

This is seriously freaking me out…

We all get these emails, you know the ones, warning us to be careful in parking lots,  or not to eat certain foods, all kinds of plausible sounding things that we read and quickly forget.

But a few weeks ago I received an email telling me how we should always wash soda can tops before we drink, because soda is stored in warehouses and might have mouse droppings, chemicals, etc. on the tops of the cans.

That one hit home.  Since I’m hopelessly addicted to Diet Cherry Coke and have been for years, I drink too many cans daily and I never wash the tops.  Or at least I didn’t until that email.  But think about it, no telling what germs are lurking on the soda cans that we pop the tops on and put to our lips.

Makes me shudder at the thought!  This soda guzzler now washes or at the very least wipes before she swigs.  Think about it…

~ jan


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