Saturday, May 16, 2009

I think I’m a pretty fair person….

Whether I’m giving the M&M’s bites of fruit, a handful of Cheerios, or morsels of the chicken that they are so fond of, they sit patiently, waiting their turn, knowing that I will feed one a bite, then the other.  Some dogs try and snatch food out of your hands or from other dogs, not these two, they trust me, they know their turn is coming. 

I think these little creatures are wonderful, spoiled, maybe, and not made to mind like some dogs are.  They aren’t disciplined, but that’s okay, they’re good little dogs. They don’t need to be disciplined.

I must have been fair with the boys when they were growing up, too.  They were never jealous of each other, and I didn’t make them mind that much either.  Hubby was the bad cop, I was the good cop.  They were good little boys who grew up to be great men, despite the lack of discipline from their Mother.  “Hey, go ahead jump on the bed, it’s okay with me, just quit jumping when your Dad comes home,” I used to say…

I like to think that both my dogs and my guys are wonderful because, in part, I’m fair.  I’m also a sucker for kids and animals, a total pushover, with a marshmallow heart, but let’s not go there…


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