Friday, April 24, 2009


cleanhouse.jpg image by klacey80I’m the world’s worst at putting things off, or as I so aptly put it, “Scarlett will do it tomorrow…” And since I don’t “work,” it’s even easier to postpone to tomorrow what I should do today.

It’s so easy to bury myself in a computer, and be totally oblivious  to everything around me, but sometimes, you just have to do what you have to do.

My closet beckoned me, it was time to change from winter to spring.  My refrigerator looked like tornado passed thru it, the laundry bins were filling up, you get the drift here.

And so, I sadly got up from this stupid machine and did manual labor.   Do I have that sense of fulfillment people talk about when I’m finished?  Heck, no!  I’m fifty-nine years old, do you have any idea how many times in my life I’ve changed out my closets, and done loads of laundry?  How many times I’ve cleaned that darned fridge?  You know, you’re all here with me.  Some of my friends find housework  rewarding, Veronica Jeanne to be exact, she finds cleaning fulfilling and atually enjoys it.   But me, I do it resentfully, all the while longing for rides on Milly, or typing blog entries, or building a new slideshow for this page,  or playing with the fur kidz.

I’m weary of what needs to be done, and long to do exactly what I want to do.  But, unless I want my little world to go to hell in a hand basket, I have to do chores.  So that’ what I’ve been doing this week, chores…..


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