Monday, March 9, 2009

We took the girls for a walk tonight…

I bought the M&M’s one of those little thingies that ties them both together, so they walk side by side on one leash.  Um hum, sure they do…

We harnessed them up for the first time tonight, and we were off, with hubby “handling” them.  Did I just say hubby was handing them????  Well not exactly, it was more like they were handling him… Mollie wanted to walk, Maggie wanted to stop and smell the grass, and since Mollie is much stronger, she was in control.  Poor Mags, she was being pulled against her will, so we took pity on her, LC picked her up and carried her, Mollie was trudging ahead, loving every minute of it, but she was panting and not used to walking distances, so I made him pick her up, too.  So here we are, way down the road, with him holding both dogs in his arms, quite a distance from home.I was telling him it was just like he was walking with weights, but he wasn’t buying it.  By the time we got home he was panting, too. *wink*

And where was my camera?  Grrrrrr, at home, of course!  With the rubber band around it, it’s broke, remember!  It was pretty cute, though, take my word for it, those two are just the sweetest little things…


  1. We used to walk our mother/daughter silkies on one of those contraptions. They'd always end up having a huge dogfight--more bark than bite, but pretty embarassing!


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