Thursday, March 12, 2009

Let’s talk about BlogHer… do I put ads on my site?  Well, when you click on them it does generate a bit of revenue, so I’m adding them to see if it might work for me as it has for other bloggers.  I must admit, BlogHer ads, unlike the Google ads I used to run, look great, are geared toward women, and actually interesting to read.  And the women from BlogHer couldn’t be nicer, I’m looking forward to the journey with them.
So give them a look from time to time, they will always be in my right sidebar, right now I’m going to check out “How to Clean your Vintage Linens.”  I have a quilt of Mother’s in the laundry basket that I need to work with…
Just wanted to give you all a heads up, since I’ve been trying to revamp and update.  It’s easy to get in a rut with blogging, I’m trying to shake it up a bit…  If there is anything you would like to see me add to the site, or even something you would like me to talk about, or shut up about, suggestions are always welcome.  Just shoot me an email…
~ jan


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