Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Are we ever going to get to eat peanut butter again…

I still have a jar of Jif on my shelf, and despite assurances from Smuckers that it wasn’t manufactured in that Georgia facility, I can’t quite bring myself to eat it, but then I can’t  bring myself to throw it away either.  My theory is, it’s half empty, and it didn’t make me sick so far, so I’m holding onto it just in case I have an insatiable urge and dip into it with a tablespoon as I’ve been known to do…

But, for now, I’m having my morning toast with Jelly only.  It’s just not right….

Life just isn’t worth living without peanut butter…

Nutter Butter®-Banana Pudding Trifle from Southern LivingAnd there was a recipe in this month’s Southern Living for banana pudding made with Nutter Butters.  Ryan is drooling over the idea of my making it for him, but I don’t know if we can eat Nutter Butters either…

Yeah, I know you’re all thinking, “dang, this looks good.”  Here’s the recipe, enjoy…


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