Tuesday, January 27, 2009

What’s going on in Heavensville…

All the forecasted snow didn’t happen, instead we have ice, with more ice forecasted tonight.  The M&M’s are having a heck of a time going outside for potty breaks.  It’s not that they are slipping and sliding, it’s that all their familiar doggie smells are buried under a layer of ice.

So they walk around and around, desperately sniffing every branch and tree trunk on the patio, trying to find the scent.

I always have the fireplace ready for them, they come running back in, head directly for the living room and just drop in front of it to warm up.

I made bean soup this morning, the 15 bean kind, total of 55 minutes in the pressure cooker, no presoaking, and it was wonderful.

That’s it from here.  Since discovering ebooks, I’ve now realized that I can download them directly to my computer FREE from my local library.  So can you!  All you need is your library card number, then you download Adobe Digital Reader, browse your local library’s ebook catalog online, and download your books.  I can download a total of 7 books in a two week period.  After the two weeks are up, poof, they are gone, I can’t access them any longer, but I can redownload them.

It’s a wonderful things, ebooks, why didn’t I know this before now?  I don’t have to go to the library, I don’t have to RETURN any books, no FINES, and it’s all FREE!  It’s perfect!

Try it, you’ll like it….

~ jan


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