Friday, January 30, 2009

Can’t get my groove back…

This has been a wasted day.  I have so much to do, but just can’t get thoughts organized to do much of anything.  I have a tri-state boomer, the M&M’s have been restless and needy all day, right now Maggie is standing on the computer desk blocking the screen, Mollie is in my lap, fidgeting, life just isn’t flowing smoothly…

I don’t handle not being able to get out and about well.  I can stay home for days at a time, but I know I can leave if I want to.  Ice is not my friend, however, it’s just not smart for me to go out, so I don’t.  And I fuss about it, when I should be grateful that I have electricity.  Shame, shame, shame on me!  Twenty-four hours ago I was sitting in the dark.

Tomorrow will be a better day,  Scarlett will put a smile on her face and get on with what needs to be done…


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