Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Jan’s favorite things on the cheap, day 9

Today it’s Jan’s great idea on the cheap that didn’t work out so well for me.  I was watching Regis and Kelly one day and they were talking about how great Preparation H is for under eye puffiness.

Okay, so that made perfect sense to me, it shrinks hemorrhoids, it should reduce under eye bags.  So I’m off to Walgreens to buy a tube, come home smear it on, yuck, it’s oily, it smells awful and doesn’t seem to make any noticable difference in the way my eyes look.

But I gave it a couple of more chances before I threw it in the drawer – my eyes were still puffy, it didn’t help a bit!  Maybe this little trick will make a difference for you, the price is right, only $4.99, but for me it was money wasted.  But maybe not all is lost, if I ever have a  flair-up, I’m all set! ;0)


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