Monday, December 22, 2008

Jan’s favorite things on the cheap, day 8

Buf-Puf Facial Sponge, RegularI’ve been a Buff Puff fan since the 80’s.  These reusable pads work great, easily getting rid of the dull skin layer, giving your face a smooth, satiny sheen.  Veronica is fan of these also, and I recently introduced them to Linds, and she loves them, too.  They come in the large,  tear shaped reusable pad pictured above, or throwaway singles.  I prefer the original, reusable ones, I think they work better but they are really hard to find anymore.  I used to be able to get them at any drugstore, but I’ve had to search lately for them, and V isn’t having any luck at all finding them.  You can, however, buy them online at  Interested?  Here’s the quick CLICK.  The cost of these, only $5.19

Neutrogena Healthy Skin Rejuvenator, The Anti Aging Power Treatment KitHowever, if you really want to try something great that costs more than my self-imposed $15.00 limit, Neutrogena makes a Healthy Skin Rejuvinator that is just amazing.  You can buy it from Amazon, or go to Neutrogena’s site to watch a video about it with Diane Lane and get all the information. 

If you’re not familiar with this product, it’s a battery powered vibrating facial massager, with disposable puffs that are infused with ultra-fine crystals that do a wonderful job of exfoliating your skin.  These little crystals are hard to wash off, though, this works best to use before you bathe. It’s much easier to wash them off in the shower, it’s really difficult to get rid of all the grit with just a face cloth.  The cost for this system  is $32.99, and it’s a great product.  The big cosmetic companies make their own versions of this at a much higher price than Neutrogena, but this product works really well.  I usually alternate it with the Buff Puffs.  Works for me…


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