Wednesday, October 1, 2008

V and I have been brainstorming this morning….

We were talking about food, as usual, and were laughing about how this generation thinks they’ve invented the crockpot.

I used to think that you had to cook something all day in the thing, and back in the 80’s, I had a lot of dried out meals.  I’ve since discovered that you don’t necessarily have to cook food all day, you can put things like frozen chicken breasts in it, sprinkle them with a little Tony Chichiare’s Creole Seasoning, turn the crock on high and in two hours, voila, your chicken is moist, tender, perfect. 

Then we were talking about soup.  I was telling her that last night I baked a chicken for dinner, hubby and I ate the breast, that’s all we like, we don’t care for dark meat, then I took the chicken carcass, skin, bones, leftover chicken, the broth that was in the pan after baking the chicken, added a quart of water, put it all in the crockpot, with a whole unpeeled onion and 3-4 unpeeled carrots, and a sprinkling of coarse salt,  some fresh ground pepper,  and let it cook on low all night.

When I peeked in this morning, I had the most wonderful stock,  I just strained it, threw the chicken remains in the trash, put the stock in the fridge for the fat to congeal,  I’ll skim the fat off, divide and freeze the stock in my trusty Glad containers for soup this winter.  You can’t buy anything in the store that even resembles this, if you don’t do this yourself, it’s a no brainer, girlfriends, and it’s AWESOME, rich, golden, just delicious…

Anyhoo, as we were talking about this, V said “wouldn’t it be great if you had a recipe section with crockpot recipes in it?”  And I said, “oh, and another one with soup!”

It’s fall, women adore soup, sooooooo, back to the audience participation thingie… In order for me to do this, you have to send me recipes.

Send me soup recipes and crockpot recipes, and Ill get these worked up and publish them.  Great idea, huh?

So I will be badgering all of you, like I’ve done before – but I really think this is a winner.  I’ll be looking in my inbox.

Thanks for the help, gang, you always come thru for me.

~ jan


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