Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Whirlwind and an agitated little yorkie....

It's a hot, dusty day in Heavensville, but the dried leaves are falling, making it seem almost fall like.

I just took the M&M's out for their afternoon break, it was really windy, the leaves were blowing in whirlwinds, and they were blowing up against Maggie's butt when she was trying to potty.  It happened once, she jumped up, it happened again, and then again, and by this time she was one mad little dog.

She jumped in the air, whirled around and started biting at the leaves and barking at them.  What a site that was. 

It's the simple things....


  1. yes the little things. olivia sending me swooning with her scrunched up little face as she smiles at her mimi who takes her for her to the park for her first ride on a swing.
    that little maggie is surely a loud and aggressive big dog when she is needing to show those leaves who's the boss!


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