Thursday, August 28, 2008

Aloha Daisy…

The internet is a wonderful thing, it truly is.  Years ago, I used to belong to a Yorkie web ring, and thru that site I connected with this wonderful woman and fellow Yorkie lover, Daisy, from Hawaii.  Well years went by, computers were updated, email addresses changed, and Daisy and I lost touch.

Yesterday, I thought of her, and quickly typed “Daisy Hawaii Yorkie” into Google.  Lo and behold, her email address popped right up.  So I contacted her, we’ve reconnected, she has a new Yorkie, Marla, of course I no longer have the Munchkin, and she no longer has her Jolie, but now I have the M&M’s and a friendship is rekindled.  So Aloha, Daisy, welcome to the crazy world of Jan in Heavensville…

And speaking of crazy, yesterday when I was posting the entry about Mother and the green beans, I had put my crockpot liner on the stove (yes, I can do that, it’s aluminum) to get my beans hot before I put them in the crock, and I promptly forgot all about them.

I’m in the sunroom, just typing away, and hubby comes thru the kitchen and says, “Jan something’s going on with these beans.”  CRAP, I forgot them, they were, ummmmm, carmelized – hey, really they were fine, another two minutes and they would have been TOAST!!!!  Geezy Pete I’m such a ditz! 

So I added more water, cooked them all afternoon, and they were sublime…  Yeah, they really were, they were NOT burnt!!  Not even a little bit, not even a smidge.  I lucked out… this time, anyway…

So this morning I was reading about how this woman puts sweet potatoes in the crockpot.  She just washes them, gets them drippy wet, pierces them, puts them in the crock with no water for 4-6 hours.  So I’m trying that.   Of course hubby is working today, so if they start to burn in the crock, I’m on my own. 

I’ll let you know how this all works out for me…


  1. did they turn out? sublime... i like that word :)

  2. but i forgot daisy in the 5 seconds it took me to write that other comment..sheesh. that is great jan! you know you are really getting old when you start to have 10 year reunions with your internet friends eh?


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