I'm really bored today, can you tell by all these multiple posts? Anyhoo, I've been meaning to talk about my 65+, often shirtless neighbor for some time now. And no, it isn't my buddy, Nat King Cole (private joke) he has more class than that, it's a guy that lives a several condos down, and for some reason he likes to prance around with his shirt off out in his driveway, often with black socks and sandals on, which is a whole other blog about how icky that is. Now this is not a fine speciman of the male species by any means, this old geezer is carrying around an extra fifty pounds and his gut dun lopped over his belt bigtime. Thank goodness for the belt, or we would undoubtedly be witnessing butt crack as well. Perish the thought...
What possesses some men, especially old men to go shirtless? Exhibitionist tendencies, perhaps???? Don't they realize we don't give a rats ass. Old women don't go around in just a bra, why should we be subjected to looking at the bellies of nasty, cellulite ridden old men with lots of smarmy back hair. Dude, you don't look cool, you look crude. For God's sake, put on your shirt!!!
I need to get myself a megaphone, and while I'm riding around on Milly I could blast him with, Ewwwwww, groooossssss......
Do you think he would get the hint??? Do ya??? Do ya double dawg dare me????
I just Googled synonyms for gross, and I do believe they all apply to him, yessiree they surely do...
beastly, big, brutal, brutish, bulk, burly, callous, carnal, cloddish, coarse, crass, crude, dense, egregious, entire, filthy, flagrant, foul, glaring, greasy, great, heavy, impure, indecent, large, lewd, mass, massive, obese, obscene, obvious, offensive, outrageous, plain, rank, repulsive, rough, rude, scurrilous, sleazy, sum, swinish, thick, total, ugly, uncouth, unrefined, vulgar
Kevin Sharkey in Mumbai, India
23 hours ago
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