Wednesday, July 2, 2008

I've discovered...

That I don't really care for flavored yogurt, but I adore unflavored. I always bought yogurt in all the designer flavors, but I've been feeding the M&M's Stonybrook Organic Unflavored Low Fat Yogurt. Yeah, it's more expensive, but they're worth it.

Anyhoo, I've been spooning it on fresh fruit every morning, and I'm loving it. I actually crave the stuff, and sneak spoonfuls when I'm dishing it out for my fur kidz. While I always "liked" yogurt, I never "loved" it 'til now. So, goodbye Dannon Lite 'n Fit, hello Stonybrook Organic...

Strange, discovering this later in life, huh...

And as long a I'm talking about food, which I always am, I had a hold on a new cookbook at the library, picked it up yesterday, and I have to tell you, this southern girl knows her cookbooks, and this one is the best I've found in years. It's called Screen doors and sweet tea : recipes and tales from a Southern cook / Martha Hall Foose.

If you're a foodie like me, you have to check out this book. It's wonderful southern cooking, not the samo samo recipes, there are really different things in this book. As I was thumbing thru it I was thinking, "why didn't I think of that."

Of course, I'm eating healthy this month so everything looks fantastic, but no, really, this book is special. I'm trying her watermelon salsa soon. It sounds really good... And she makes homemade banana pudding and puts it in half pint Ball Mason jars for individual servings, unbelievably cute, and banana pudding is one of my guy's favorite things. This book is filled with great ideas.

Here's the Amazon link if you want to check it out. Just CLICK here.

later 'gators ~ jan

Update: I just found a link to several of her recipes in the book, including sweet potato biscuits, three day slaw and that great banana pudding. It's from ABC News, apparently the author, Ms. Foose, who by the way is a senior chef for Viking Cooking Schools, was on GMA. So click here, there are several pages of recipes - enjoy.... My little Wednesday gift to you. Celebrating


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