Sunday, June 29, 2008

Groovin' . . . on a Sunday afternoon

Well, not exactly groovin', more like snoozin'...

The M&M's are sandwiched together in their little wooly bed on my computer desk, sleeping their afternoon away. Mags is tucked into the back, you have to look closely to even see her. Mollie has greasy ears, despite her bath, just some meds for her ears making them that way, she's not dirty, just medicated....

They're good friends, already. Maggie was never jealous of Mollie, she accepted her immediately. they sleep together, play together, eat together. Yeah, they're sisters, now.

Pretty cute, huh....


  1. Hi Jan--this sisterhood is amazing to me! We had a litter of silkies & I kept the only female, thinking that they would be like your M&M. Not a chance! Their purpose in life was constant bickering! They never hurt each other, but someone listening in on all the commotion wouldn't believe it! RIP Kelly & Georgette! (from betty)

  2. yes this is very sweet and i imagine you are a big influence on how well they get long. there is no need to get jealous or fight over momma. she is there for both of them. well loved children jan. that's the secret :)


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