Last night I was watching Deal or No Deal on NBC. I never watch that stuff, but anyhoo, there was this little cutey patootie contestant, rather annoying little be-otch, too. Anyway she was a Becky Homecky type, idolized Martha Stewart and she was absolutely gushing about her very favorite thing in the world, Martha's Expresso Biscuits.
So I Googled it right away this morning, looks good to me, too. The recipe calls for ground expresso beans, I'm sure my Starbucks Komodo Dragon beans would work just fine. And drats, I even have the Droste cocoa to make them, compliments of Linds...
But I'm being good, so I'm not going to bake a batch, but I can post them, maybe some of you would like to try them.
If anybody does, let us know how they turned out, okay?
~ jan
They're on my Jan CAN Cook Board. Here's the CLICK!
Covering My Gardens with Compost
12 hours ago
i don't know about the cookies but i sure am liking that stack of bowls and the one in front with ice cream! let us know when someone makes them and taste tests them. i wouldn't want to go to all that trouble and say yaaachk.. which what i sometimes say when i make something martha. her cooking is waaay overrated.