It's Sunday morning, the family wants pancakes. Well, let me tell you the niftiest idea I've read about it in a long time....
Get your griddle hot, take you pancake batter, dip a spoonful and make a smiley face on the griddle - two dots for the eyes, and a smiley mouth, and then let it cook until the edges just start to brown, then go ahead and pour your pancake batter over the top of the smiley face and cook the pancake like you normally do.
When you flip it, you have a smiley face on your pancake, a bit browner because you cooked it first - I saw a picture, drats, I didn't save it. It really special, trust me... give it a try. I bet you get smiles at your house with this trick.
~ jan
Reinforcing My Raised Vegetable Garden Beds
11 hours ago
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