Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Let's talk about oranges...

Do you have one of these nifty little orange peelers??? Well, I didn't, and in fact, I had never heard of them until Nisha told me that the school janitor had thrown hers away and how upset she was. She had it for like 20 years (remember, Nish, doesn't throw out ANYTHING), so I found them on eBay, bought several of them, mailed her one, and discovered for myself what she was talking about.

OMG, this thing is so COOL!!! You make wagon wheel spokes on the outside of your orange, and then the orange skin just peels right off. It's an amazin' raisin.

AND, just last week, I was complaining about my navel oranges not being good, and she asked me what kind I bought, California or Florida? Well, I was clueless, but the little tag thingie on the orange said Florida, and she said, NEVER buy Florida oranges, they don't have the flavor that California ones do. So yesterday, I was at Schnucks, picked up a bag of CALIFORNIA navel oranges. Oh my, she was right AGAIN. These things are wonderful. Half the bag is gone. History.

I don't know what my deal is, I've been craving oranges and apples, and now I'm craving stuffed olives. If I wasn't 57 almost 58 years old, I would think I was preggers....

Oh, here's a link to that handy dandy little peeler, if you want to order one... and SURPRISE, it's good old TUPPERWARE!!! Now that's a blast from the past, Tupperware isn't around like it once was...


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