Friday, August 10, 2007

What happens when it goes hot???

People get downright nasty, that's what. I'm no exception, I've been in a really pissy cranky mood all week in Heavensville's unrelenting heat.

So instead of blogging about my favorite things, or some such stupid nonsense, your normally Miss Merry Sunshine is going to blog about the things that really frost my cake!!!!

Here are Jan's major bitches...

Guys who are outside with their shirts off (construction workers excluded). There is NOTHING worse than seeing some blubbery old geezer prancing around his yard naked to his waist. Totally disgusting...

Screaming kids in a restaurant or worse, in the library. When mine were little we yanked their little butt's outside when they started acting up.

And speaking of kids, everybody knows that it just drives me wild when mother's are at a restaurant and don't put a bib on their baby. Very seldom do you see bibs anymore, and the kid is always just dropping food all over a pricey little outfit. This is just WRONG...

Nutritional information that is misleading. I get so mad when I pick up a muffin for instance, and it says 120 calories, BUT if you look closely it says per serving and there is 2 servings in that friggin' little muffin. Whoever heard of a lousy muffin being 2 servings??? Are they kidding, a muffin is a BITE for pete's sake... Grrrrrr

When people tell me how "good" I get "around". Jeez Louise, people, I have no feet, it's not the end of the world, I just get up and walk. Nobody tells a fat lady that they are amazed that she can "get around" with all that fat. Gimme a break....

Those awful lights in a dressing room. Now why do stores do that? Why do they have the most unflattering lights known to man woman??? Don't they know that soft pink lights sell more clothes. And what about those hot dressing rooms? Like it's 125 sweltering degrees and who wants to sweat in a dressing room. Kick down the thermostat and you might sell more clothes. DUH.....

When you go do the doctor or the dentist and they tell you that their "procedure" might be a little "uncomfortable." UNCOMFORTABLE, HELL. their stupid "procedures" leave you with mind boggling, blinding uncontrollable pain. Easy for them to say....

People who make nasty little comments because I kiss my dogs. My dogs are my family, of course I kiss them. I also blow on their little bellies, dance them around the kitchen, and sing to them. So I'm a crazy old lady. SO WHAT!!!!!! Like I'm going to be kissing the people that are making those comments... I DON'T THINK SO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Snotty little salesclerks in pricey boutiques. Cmon people, you're making what, oh maybe $10 an hour... I'm SO in awe of you!!! Get real....

Waiters with an attitude, usually men. HELLO, am I going to give you a good tip when you are being an absolute asshole?????? And how much does your little job pay an hour without those tips???? Jeez, it's not rocket science........................

Oh, and women that are maybe a size six dripping wet, asking you if you think they look fat. FAT, AT SIZE SIX... OH-PUHLEEZ........

Well now that I'm all stirred up, I could continue this all afternoon, but I won't. I'm going to go take a shower now and go out into this wonderful 95 degree weather.

But hey, feel free to post any comments about what really bugs YOU. This is a lot more fun than doing ten questions about my favorite movie, tv show, yadayadayada...


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