Remember back...
It's Halloween, and you are eight. Remember how exciting that was? What was your favorite candy you hoped to get?
Mine wasn't candy, I always wanted popcorn balls. But both Hooterville and I ADORED Valomilks, still do, and I loved any candy bar with nuts in it. Zero, Hollywood, Mars Bar, Reese Cups of course, and I LOVED LOVED LOVED Almond Joy. Sometimes you feel like a nut...
When I was eight I probably either dressed as a bum or as a high heeled lady. We weren't exactly costume savvy in the 50's in Enfield...
Did we carve a pumpkin??? Of course, we always did. Simple zigzags around, standard toothy smile. Worked for me...
Halloween parties? Yep, I remember going to the basement of Enfield Christian Church, walking thru the dark on bedsprings, being slapped in the face with a wet mop and feeling eyeballs (wet grapes) and brains (who knows what they were). Ugh, probably don't want to know. I also remember bobbing for apples and how Margaret Hardesty stuck her whole head in the water. I couldn't imagine why she would get her hair wet like that in front of people. Yeah, I was girly even as a preteen... She did get an apple though, I still remember her head coming out of the water with that apple in her mouth. haaaaaa
I seriously think the heat has fried my brain......... 100 again tomorrow, can't wait. Cooldown today, 95. Whoeeeeeee...
Reinforcing My Raised Vegetable Garden Beds
19 hours ago
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