Remember when you were a kid and played out in the heat. I can remember riding my bike, the sweat just pouring down my face. I was dusty and dirty, but I just kept on going.
I walked this morning at 8am. Thought I was going to just lay down and die right there on the track. O-M-G it was hot and it wasn't even mid-morning. I need to run errands, I'm putting it off. I just don't handle hot at all now that I'm on the wrong side of fifty-five...
I guess I've gotten soft in my old age. I'm sitting here with the AC cranked, the ceiling fan whirring and I'm complaining...
I just need to step back and count my blessings. It was a hard life in the country in the 50's. I don't think we even had a fan when I was a little girl. I can remember visiting my aunt and uncle, and I was just awestruck by the round ottoman style fan in their living room. I thought it was the greatest thing.
Mother cooked a lot in her electric skillet on hot summer days. Probably to try and keep the house cooler. We drank huge amounts of iced tea and ate a lot of Blue Bell Bologna ($.59 cents a pound from Marlin's Department Store.) Oh that bologna was wonderful... Full of garlic, wrapped in white paper and tied with a string, eaten on white gummy bread smeared with Miracle Whip and slices of fresh tomatoes and onions. What a feast that was... See, it was all about food, even then...
*sigh* Blue Bell Bologna is long gone now, I guess I could get some Oscar Mayer Fat Free Bologna and eat it on high fiber bread... Jeez Louise, what the hell am I thinking??? It wouldn't be the same at all.
Installing Carpeting in My Home
2 hours ago
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