Hubby and I just spent the last few days in Nashville with John and Tonia. Ryan and Lindsay joined us on Friday night, and we were discussing various subjects and last week's kidnapping and subsequent murder of the young woman abducted in broad daylight from the Target parking lot came up.
I asked both Linds and Tonia what they would do if it happened to them. Tonia wasn't sure, Lindsay, however, had watched an Oprah segment on just that very thing and they told on her show to drop to the ground, start screaming and kicking at his ankles and knees.
That makes sense to me, even if you are at knifepoint or gunpoint, you will have a much better chance of surviving if you make major noise in a public place, because the abductor won't want to call attention to himself.
If he succeeds in getting you into the car, your chances for survival aren't so good.
So that's my topic for this Sunday afternoon. It could happen to any of us, hopefully nobody will ever have to think quickly in a situation like this, but at least maybe this will make you think about what you would do in the unlikely event that it happened to you...
Incubating and Hatching Chicks
23 hours ago
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