Friday, June 8, 2007

I have better things to talk about than Paris Hilton

Holy Schmoly, aren't we all sick of hearing about this whining, pampered princess. Get your skanky ass back to jail, put on your prison issued big girl panties and do the time....

And, now to more important things... I have to tell you how much I'm enjoying Boca All American Grillers, and how after having one for lunch, I'm not hungry 'til dinner. Well, after talking with my buddy V this morning, I checked the box, those suckers have 14 grams of protein in them, I add a piece of fat free cheese for another 5 grams, eat it on a Healthy Life Bun and I'm good til dinner. No wonder, that's a total of 19 grams of protein! If you are weight watcher, the burgers are only 1 point, 1 point for the bun .5 for the cheese, for a total of 2.5 points. Simply amazing...

I've eaten Boca Burgers, usually the original, for years now, and never really liked them. Now I know why, it's because I never took the time to fry them in a skillet. I always slapped them in the wave, and it steamed them, and they were pretty bad, but now I take the time to spray each side of them with Pam, then sprinkle Tony Chachiare's Creole Seasoning on both sides, and slap them in the skillet instead of the microwave - it takes 7 or 8 minutes, but they crisp nicely on both sides, and they are actually good.

So give them a try, if you are trying to eat healthy, these things rock!!!!


  1. LOL that first part about Paris cracked me up!!!!! LMAO :)


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