Friday, January 26, 2007

Laugh and the world laughs with you, cry and you cry alone.....

Okay, this is how I now look. My hair pretty much looks like Arnie's, and he has a BAD dye job.

Actually, I'm a bit lighter than him, but similar...

On the positive side, my eyebrows look great!!!

So what's my solution... the same solution I always have.. MAKEUP!!!!! Lots of eye makeup, and I'm thinking my blush color is just not right, so I dig out an old Clinique Berry Stain color, put it on my cheeks, put on all that eyemakeup, shiny lipstick....

Now, I look like a bad imitation of an OLD Kewpie doll. All I need is hoop earrings and false eyelashes. Is that next??? I think NOT!!!!

It isn't really all that bad, not really. Really it isn't. But I'm on my way to the store to buy Tide, just in case. Oh what a day, what a day, what a DAY!!!!


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