Friday, January 26, 2007

It's a three ring circus in Heavensville this sunny Friday morning....

Usually I break up bathtime for the M&M's into two days. It's quite a job giving them both a bath in the same morning, but I it was up early today, so I decided to do them both and get it over with, it wouldn't be a biggie. Munchie was first, I gave her her bath in the kitchen sink, blew her dry at LC's desk in the garage. She's such a good girl, she just sits quietly and lets me do whatever.

And I must admit, Mags has turned into a trooper as well. She used to try and escape out of the sink, but since we do this weekly, she's into the groove, she just sits there and lets me stream water over her without a struggle. I usually dry her at my dressing table, but since I was already setup in the garage for Munchie, I scooped her up in a warm towel and took her out there for her blowdry.

Well, first of all, LC had just left for WallyWorld, so the normally 60+ degree garage had cooled down considerably since Munchie's bathtime. Linds had given Maggie her pricey Redken straightening serum to see it it would help with my constant struggle with tangles in her nappy hair, so I applied a dab of it, I started drying her, and she's off the desk in a shot, bounces off my lap and heads for the hills, she was this little soggy streak, heading for the kitchen.

Meanwhile, I'm making caramel corn for hubby and Ryan and Lindsay, who will be here tonight, and my timer is beeping because it's time to stir it in the oven. So I give it a quick stir, find Maggie in the den, laying on her back on the couch, wriggling for all she's worth in an attempt to get herself dry. I scoop her up, head back to the now frigid garage, put her on the desk, fire up the dryer and bam, she's off again. The phone is ringing, it's LC from the store, so I talk to him, find Maggie once again in the den, ON THE COUCH AGAIN, running back and forth as fast as she can trying to get dry.

Duh, the light dawns, it's the sound of the garage hairdryer she doesn't like. It has a high pitch whine, while mine has a lower sound to it. So we head to my dressing table, she sits on my lap like the little sweetheart she is and I get her dry, FINALLY...

And that's my little Friday tale from my speck o' the net.... Never a dull moment with the M&M's......


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