Friday, June 15, 2018

The BEST Summer Reads...



I’ve spent many afternoons and evenings in my rocking chair on the front porch with my nose in my Kindle this summer.  Our porch is covered and it’s shady, so here I sit with Maggie by my side and a glass of something icy cold in my Yeti Cup.  I listen to the birds, smell the summer air and I’m lovin’ life.  I’ve always been an avid reader and nothing is better than beach reads in the summertime.

I’m reading, and in some cases rereading about the Lowcountry of South Carolina, a whole series of books, brought to life by the wonderful author, Dorothea Benton Frank.  I love series, they drift from one book to the next and if they’re well written the characters have time to develop and come alive.

I started with Sullivan’s Island (a reread) as it was the first of the series and I’m reading them in order.  I’m getting ready to start Lowcountry Summer and each book is wonderful.  She describes island life so well, it makes you want to immediately rent a little beach house on an island near Charleston for the summer.

Here’s a link to this series, they're so good, I can hardly wait to finish one and start another.

Dorothea Benton Frank Books

Enjoy each day and happy reading.  ~ Jan


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