Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Weiman Stainless Steel Wipes Review



I’m old(er) I get excited about the strangest things and I’m absolutely estatic about this find!

Ya’ll know (I live in Tennessee now, had to throw that ya’ll in there) that I got that fancy schmancy French Door Fridge with all the bells and whistles that I had drooled over for years.  Well the honeymoon was over quickly.  It’s absolutely wonderful inside, but oh the outside.  I’ve had stainless appliances for years, but never had the fridge in the direct sunlight.  It showed every streak, smear, you name it that I tried to clean it with. 

I was desperate, I even tried alcohol, which was a total waste.  But finally I hit holy grail.  Weigman Stainless Wipes, oh my, they are perfection.  You just wipe them on with the grain of the stainless, they leave a filmy residue that quickly dissipates, but allows you to see where you’ve cleaned, then you just buff with a dry cloth and voila, no smears, no streaks, nada, none.  Next I’m trying their granite cleaner, I’m definitely sold on this brand.

So if you have the same problem, go to Amazon, order these bad boys, and you too will be a fan.  Pinky swear you will.

~ Jan ~


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