Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Gardener's Supply Deep Seat Garden Kneeler



Spring has sprung in Evansville and the warmer temps last weekend made me realize that I really needed a new garden kneeler.  My old one bit the dust, last year I used a bucket and it was quite a feat getting on and off the darned thing.

This isn’t my first rodeo with garden kneelers, some have wheels, which are good in theory but they don’t work in flower beds and they roll when you’re just trying to rock, so that was out.  My last one was too narrow, it wasn’t stable and easy to tip over, and yes of course I tipped the darned thing over, more than once I might add.

So I did the research online and was instantly smitten with this bright purple beauty.  It’s from a reputable company, and best of all it’s deep seated, which is perfect for the mature derriere, oh for Pete’s sake Jan get real, it accommodates big butts!  And best of all it’s purple, bright, vivid, glorious purple!!!

So I ordered it Sunday evening, it arrived today, folded into a cardboard box with no assembly required.  Whoa doggies, hubby was excited about that.  

It’s perfect, it really is, it’s nice and wide and stable, easy to get on and off of, and I also coughed up an additional $10.99 for the pouch that slips over one side to hold my gardening tools.  


Of course the cart is available in green, but why would anybody want green when they can have purple!

And the cost, not bad,  $49.95, plus $10.95 for the tool pouch, plus shipping.

And in retrospect I probably should have ordered their gloves, too.  Gardener’s Supply Company’s online catalog is just chocked full of amazing things, I have a feeling I’ll be ordering those gloves plus a few other necessities.


Okay all of you gardeners, I can see your wheels turning.  I know you like this spiffy purple cart, too.

Here are the links, go for it!  Just cruise their whole site, you’re gonna love this!

Deep Seated Garden Kneeler

Deep Seated Tool Pouch

Nitrile Gloves

And then there are the purple clogs.  Overkill, Jan, o.v.e.r.k.i.l.l, I don’t need purple clogs to match my purple cart.  Just fuggedabout it….

Garden Shoes Women s Classic Garden Clogs | Gardener s Supply

But you might like them, they come in lots of colors, too.

Garden Shoes Women s Classic Garden Clogs | Gardener s Supply 1

Here’s the link


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