Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Candace Bergen on Weight Gain


Isn’t it refreshing when a celebrity owns it.  The woman is sixty-eight years old, she’s a real woman with a real body and she stands up and says she’s fat and she loves food. She’s put on thirty pounds and she’s healthy looking, not a slave to dieting and she isn’t making excuses.  She quite simply looks her age, and that’s okay.  Good for you, Candace!

People Magazine has an article about her, but it’s the comments that are interesting, so much support for this lovely lady.  Of course there are  critics, that’s to be expected, but so many people only have positive things to say.  Every woman has her day and eventually age is going to get all of us.  Sometimes we just need to enjoy the ride and not spend every waking moment obsessing about what we do or don’t eat. I just thought it was courageous that this lovely lady has the guts to address an issue that dogs all of us.

I especially like what this woman has to say:

"Don't think she really qualifies as FAT, but good for her! She's 68 for pete's sake. At that age, why spend the rest of your life counting every calorie and fretting over what other people think. I've never heard of anyone on their death bed saying "I'm sure glad I didn't eat the ice cream......."

Here’s the article and more importantly, scroll down for the comments...


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