Wednesday, February 25, 2015

The Barnyard...


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First came roosters, then came pigs, then Clover the cow came to live on my cabinet door.  And now more cows have invaded the dining room.

Where will it end?  Is this it, am I finished.  Nope.

That clock and those plates just don’t look right with that cow, they’re too fussy.  They need to go, and that lamp on the shelf, it’s not right now either.  And I don’t like the pitcher with the grapes.  One thing leads to another and the search is on!

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What I really like this is this Holstein cow head.  Just having a hard time pulling the plug on the price, and it’s too big, the scale is off.  And hubby isn’t a fan, one mounted cow head in the kitchen is enough.  


Antique Farmhouse does have this mounted pig head.  But it’s kinda creepy, definitely passing on this.  But, a mounted rusty rooster head now would be nice, that would work.

I think I’ll email Decor Steals about it.  Yeah, sure thing, like that’s going to do any good.

And why am I posting all of this?  It’s February, it’s snowy, there isn’t a lot going on and I’m seriously lacking any ideas for content.  And if I work this through in my head, maybe it will help.  And yes, I know I have too much stuff on my dining room table, but Mikey likes it...


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