Thursday, October 2, 2014

The Old Closet Switcheroo....

No, this isn’t my closet or my grandchild, but a picture is worth a thousand words, even if it's not your own.

I have a huge pile of clothes in my bedroom, and it’s time once again to switch it out.  Oh, how lucky was I when we lived in the Gingerbread House and I had an entire bedroom papered with pretty wide pink and white striped paper that hubby had turned into a closet for me.  I had a dressing table that overlooked the backyard, a window seat, enough racks for summer and winter clothes, lots of bins and cubbies, it was really awesome.  *sigh* Those were the days, and I didn’t appreciate what I had until now.  I do have a "walk-in" closet these days, but that's about all you can do, just "walk-in."   And LC uses the guest closet for his clothes, because he knows he doesn't have a shot at stuffing his things in my closet.  And he's a neat freak, the clutter would drive us both 'round the bend.

But no matter how messy my closet gets, I can’t compete with a certain family member that is dear to my heart, whose entire closet collapsed last month from the sheer weight and volume of the clothes. It’s not my story to tell,  but it sure is a doozey if it ever does get told ;)

Every year I whine about changing my closet, I vow to throw things away and keep it organized, but I never do.  Now my kitchen pantry has stayed in great shape for a few years now, ever since I put in all those baskets.  But my closet, oh it’s a disaster of epic proportions this fall.

But I have to switch it, cooler weather is coming  and it looks like this is the weekend.  We were headed to visit Ryan’s family and celebrate Abby’s 5th birthday, but the kids and Lindsay are sick so not only do I not get to see the family, I have no excuse to not clean out that damn closet!

Remember a few years ago when I got so overwhelmed with my closet disaster that I sat in the middle of the bed and cried and hubby had to bail me out?  Well, I feel another one of Abby’s come aparts about to happen this year as well.  I already warned poor long suffering LC that I’m not coping well.  I just can’t stand a mess in my older age.  And boy do I have one ahead of me!

So, wish me luck, ladies, it’s not going to be pretty around here Saturday, but a girl’s gotta do what a girls gotta do, unless she has a husband who will do part of it for her. *grin*


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